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Green day with raindrops

Today we got report cards and though I said I buy some dress, but I don't found...Then I put only snakejeans, new turqoise shirt and an elephantnecklace. Today is again rainy and little windy day and when I went home, I put my Wii on and Wii Fit Plus cd to Wii and I did yoga! I love yoga and it's my favourite hobby Then I wanted more oxygen, because inside was stuffy. I walked on our big yard and I sniffed fresh oxygen, umm : D It does wonders to body, exactly if you've headache.

I said today's topic is secret and now I can tell it, it's Finland's nature, our yard and rain. I took pictures with my phones camera, I'll get a real camera on my birthday, and it's in july, I'm happy :) I only have 5 megapixels in phonecamera, therefore sort isn't the best possible. I took pictures of our yard, very green!
(C) Annabella

You can see baptized in february on plants
Blue lantern
Ah, what a green hoe
Haha, what a find, frog under the plant, as though in that song, but indefinite pic...
Flowers, blue blossoms are in English calle pet : D
This is my lovely truffledog Milli, she's in her person, eating grass : D
Under the rhubarb
This is stationclock our yard : D
Milli looks silly
Growing little spruce
Curvy wet pine
This is playhouses nameplaque
Damask sad flower
I think this is enough, if you want I can take more pictures :) But I have one thing, one poem named My Sneaking Tears, by Mark R Slaughter.
How heavy fell the rain that day
From burdened clouds of mournful grey.
The torrent forced them stay their height -
Composure swayed by onerous might.

My skin wrung wet with icy chill
As mud embraced that sodden hill;
But mind of mine had elsewhere gone -
'Twas clouds abandoned I was on.

The driving drops advanced their gears
To camouflage my sneaking tears -
Whence now did swell such floods of pain
To see me melt into this rain…

On equal bearing now were we:
This rain, myself, in harmony.

We see maybe tomorrow, then there is maybe my makeupthings, see you!

With ♥,


  1. Moiikka! Kiva kun oot alottanut uuden blogin :)
    Tää on kaikin puolin hieno ja upea :)

    Heyy! Glad you're started a new blog :) This is in every way a great and wonderful :)

    Peace and Love Gary

    ps. I don't speak English wery well so sorry if there are many mistakes =D

  2. Pps. i am Gary2

  3. Oh thanks so much Gary :) I hope you like c:
    With love,
    Annabella ♥
